On the afternoon of Friday 21st March the Southgate Beaumont care home on Cannon Hill will be hosting an exhibition of paintings by Regina Skrida.
The Beauty of Nature Through the Artist's Eyes: Paintings by Regina Skrida
Friday 21 March 12.00pm - 7.00pm
Southgate Beaumont Care Community, 15 Cannon Hill, N14 7DJ
Regina Skrida grew up in Lithuania and currently works as a healthcare assistant at the Southgate Beaumont Care Home, where she will be exhibiting some of her recent paintings on Friday 21st March from noon until 7pm.
She has been inspire since childhood by the beautiful Lithuanian countryside:
"These breathtaking landscapes were imprinted in my memories and inspired me to create my paintings today.
"I discovered that painting is the right tool for me to express all my colourful memories from my childhood and to share them with my viewers. I use acrylic paints on my canvas, which I find a more suitable medium to convey my ideas. I hope that my paintings will remind you of the beautiful gift of life that could harmonize us with wonderful nature."
The exhibition will be open for viewing after the regular monthly talk on art by Dr Mark Banting, which starts at 11.30am. Arrive early to get a seat!
While at the Beaumont, you'll have an opportunity to see the extraordinary 18th century murals on the large staircase to the right of the entrance. These were painted by Flemish artist Gerard Lanscroon (who also painted murals for the staircase at Broomfield House, which were rescued after the first of the fires in 1984 and are currently in storage).
The large mansion now occupied by the care home was once Arnos Grove, the home of the Walkers of Southgate. The name Arnos Grove has since been passed on to the street that runs downhill from Southgate Green through the Minchenden Estate to the gates of Arnos Park - and, of course, to a station on the Piccadilly Line.
For more information about the mansion, see this article on the Enfield Society website.
To see more of Regina Skridal's art, visit her website.