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The third Southgate and Palmers Green Open Studios and Art Trail event will be held on 7th and 8th June 2014.  As in previous years, artists and a designers will be exhibiting their work to members of the public - some in their own homes or studios, others in local shops.

Organiser Dan Maier is inviting creatives and shop owners to apply for inclusion in this year's Open Studios:

We're looking for original beautifully made work.  We have an appreciative audience who've come to expect high quality from our events.  We are keen to show more textiles, fashion, furniture, ceramics, glass, wood, home accessories, jewellery, leather, metalwork, stationery / cards, book art, fine art, sculpture, automata... 

Please also get in touch if you are interested in giving a workshop or demonstration of your craft.

Not sure whether to apply?  Watch this short film of our 2013 event to give you a flavour and help make up your mind. (See what other exhibitors say!)

We're also looking for more retailers in the N13, N14 and N21 areas to host artists' and designers' work.  Please get in touch ASAP to find out how you can benefit from being involved. Email for details and application form now.  Deadline 21st January 2014.  See:

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