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war memorial in broomfield park palmers greenThe war memorial in Broomfield Park dates from 1929 and has some unique features. It is currently closed for restoration but was opened temporarily for last week's service.Did you know that there are at least 116 war memorials in Enfield?

War memorials can be found in schools, places of worship, clubs and work places. They come in a variety of forms, such as:

The Enfield Society is working on a project with the War Memorials Trust to ensure that: all the existing records of War Memorials are correct and are up to date; there are photographs of all the memorials; the names of all the individuals on the memorial are recorded and a condition survey of the memorial is undertaken.

If you are interested in helping with this project the Society is organising training in conjunction with the War Memorials Trust on Tuesday 21st November. Please contact Val Munday if you're interested:

WW1 Lives Remembered

ww1 lives remembered

Christ Church in Southgate have produced a World War 1 map of the parish showing the homes of the fallen listed on their war memorial.  To see this fascinating work in detail, click on the map above and zoom in to see names.

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