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Catherine Lee-Smith is involved in the launch of a new oral history project: Living Memories of Forty Hall.  Click here to send an email to Catherine.

Forty Hall by PTerrePhoto by Pterre reproduced under Creative Commons by 3.0 licence

My name is Catherine and I am assisting Verity Roberts in setting up a Forty Hall Oral History Group.


  1. To discover and capture local peoples’ experience of Forty Hall and the impact that this place has had on their lives.
  2. To record this important local history to improve current understanding of Forty Hall and to preserve these stories for future generations to learn from.
  3. Depending on the success of the project, stories could be then shared through the Forty Hall website, or even put into a book for others to enjoy.

We would like to invite older members of the local community to meet once a month and reminisce together over a cup of tea and a slice of cake in a friendly, informal environment.

I would be really grateful if you could spread the word and let me know of anyone who may be interested in joining this new project. We are hoping to be able to arrange transport for those who are unable to travel independently.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Catherine Lee-Smith
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