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Geraldine Anwar has provided a summary of the project updates given at the January 2018 open meeting of the Friends of Broomfield Park.


strelitzia in broomfield conservatory"At the moment the strelitzia are performing well in the Conservatory"A group has been set up with the aim of improving the playground. Their project was allocated money from the Greenery surplus fund. Unfortunately, this did not meet the Council's strict criteria and they are now working with the Council to come up with a proposal that will be acceptable to all parties.

Remembrance Garden

The Remembrance garden received a grant in 2017 to carry out refurbishment. In addition new stained glass windows, modelled on the originals, have been installed. Disabled access has been improved. The fountain has been replaced but will only operate on special occasions. The garden was rededicated at the Remembrance Day Service. Unfortunately, there has been some minor acts of vandalism in the gardens in recent weeks.

Palmers Greenery Café

They continue to do a great job serving park users and raising money for the park. Money has been allocated from their Surplus Fund. The Council has not approved the projects so money has yet to be spent. A meeting with Councillor Daniel Anderson is planned. It would be lovely if the café could be open more days a week but the limiting factor is number of volunteers.

Broomfield House

Broomfield House has reached a critical stage. Lottery funding is not an option as it would be limited to £1 million. The Council is about to market the house and stable yard to developers for expressions of interest. Ideally, there would be maximum public access. There is no preferred option at this stage. The good news is that the Enfield Society have given a grant to restore the Minerva Panel from the Lanscroon mural. The Council Arts Department will be holding an exhibition at the Dugdale Centre which will feature the Minerva Panel.


The Wassailing was well attended and raised funds towards replacing trees which have been vandalised.

The loss of so many of the step-over trees plus a pear tree is very sad.

The Orchard has a loyal band of supporters and won Gold in the Enfield in Bloom competition again in 2017.


The Conservatory also won Gold in Enfield in Bloom in what was a very successful year.

Events are being planned for 2018 and the programme will be published (see noticeboards).

The Conservatory has year-round interest. At the moment the Strelitzia are performing well and flowers and fruit are forming on the Pink Banana.

It is hoped that essential maintenance work will be carried out on the Conservatory this spring. There has been a meeting with the contractors and the volunteers await the Council's decision. Thanks to Councillor Barry who has helped us progress these works.


The courts have been resurfaced. The demand for netball is growing in all age groups. The plan is for completely new courts to provide a long term future for netball in Broomfield Park. The council need to support this application otherwise netball could be lost to Enfield. Installation of floodlights would increase the usage of the courts for netball and possibly tennis.

Royal College of Art

Masters students from the Royal College of Art will be carrying out one of their modules in association with Friends of Broomfield Park. It is part of a Service Design Programme and is looking at social innovation. You may see them out and about in the next few months.


The council no longer provides bedding plants for parks - only memorial gardens.

The new trees in the long avenue that died have been replaced.

There is ongoing subsidence of the clubhouse. FoBP will obtain a report from Council before next meeting to clarify what action is being taken.

Lorries are driving into the park down the long avenue causing deep ruts. When in the park they cut corners and churn up the grass. Everyone is asked to complain to the council.

Boating lake still needs work. It is unfit for the purpose of sailing model boats. FoBP will attempt to get clarification on management of the Boating Lake.

The next meeting will be on Monday 21st May and it was agreed, if possible, to hold it in the club house in Broomfield Park.

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