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The Friends of Broomfield Park have expressed dismay and anger about a recent spate of vandalism in which some of the park amenities that they have been contributing to have been damaged.

damaged apple tree in broomfield parkThe Friends have reported that during the first fortnight of 2018 vandals damaged plants and park facilities in the Community Orchard, Palmers Greenery cafe and the Garden of Remembrance, as well as more generally in the park.

vandalism in broomfield park garden of remembrance 1In the orchard seven apple tree "stepovers" were destroyed, along with a pear tree. The vandals also turned over two very large terracotta pots, but fortunately these weren't damaged.  The trees had all been purchased, planted and tended to by Friends of Broomfield Park volunteers using money from various FoBP fundraising activities.

vandalism in broomfield park garden of remembrance 2Equally distressing damage was caused in the Garden of Remembrance, where the park gardener discovered that the wreaths in the memorial temple, placed there during last November's Remembrance Service, had been ripped apart, the potted plants containing cyclamens upended and scattered around and the pots thrown into the pond.  The remembrance garden had only recently reopened following restoration work carried out after a long campaign by FoBP members.

These acts of vandalism not only show contempt for the dedication and hard work of the FoBP volunteers, but are particularly shocking in the case of the Remembrance Day wreaths placed in the garden to honour the sacrifices of members of the armed forces.

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