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wild patch photo of broomfield park by Marios Iacovou"Wild Patch" by Marios Iacovou - an entry in the 2017 Friends of Broomfield Park photo competition

Fields in Trust is again running a competition to find the "UK's Best Park".

Nominations have now closed and you have until 5pm on 3rd November to vote.

If you look through the list of nominations in London you'll see two local parks right at the start - Albert Road Rec and Alexandra Park.  But carry on past these and some obscure places south of the Thames and you'll soon get to Broomfield Park.  You want to vote for somewhere else?  It's your choice, but don't expect me to talk to you ever again.

Click here to vote

Fields in Trust

fields in trust logoWe were founded back in 1925 as the National Playing Fields Association by King George V. Our mission is the same now and as it was then: to ensure that everyone – young or old, able or disabled and wherever they live – should have access to free, local outdoor space for sport, play and recreation. These spaces are vital to building happy and healthy communities and sadly continue to be threatened by all kinds of development.

We are a national charity and operate throughout the UK to safeguard recreational spaces and campaign for better statutory protection for all kinds of outdoor sites

Parks and playing fields are the heart and soul of communities. Is your local park the best in the UK? Celebrate it with UK's Best Park - voting is now open!


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