Southgate District Civic Trust is delighted to announce that Freddie Gick the Chair of Civic Voice will be visiting us in March.
As the highlight of his visit, Freddie Gick will talk about the work of Civic Voice and the Civic Movement in Britain. This will be a rare chance to hear from and speak to the man who leads this important work.
Freddie Gick has been Chair of Civic Voice since 2013. He is a former research scientist and international management consultant who has been involved with civic societies for about 20 years. As Chair of Civic Voice he has overseen a huge increase in the recognition of the Civic movement. The work of our key national body has expanded to reflect the range of important projects and interests of the member groups.
For those of us fortunate enough to see him speak at other meetings, we know this will be a fascinating and inspiring meeting.
Key information for your diary:
Date: Wednesday 9th March
Time: 7.00pm for 7.30pm
Venue: Southgate Beaumont, 15 Cannon Hill, Southgate, N14 7DJ Map
This meeting is open to all members and supporters of SDCT, as well as groups affiliated to Civic Voice and other local societies.
Southgate District Civic Trust
Twitter: @southgatetrust