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marketn13 jan 2015

MarketN13 is a community, produce and craft market run monthly (3rd Sunday of the month) on Alderman's Hill, right by Palmers Green station.

Our aim is to offer high quality, competitively priced produce, crafts and street food in a friendly atmosphere. Where we can we are prioritising local producers and craftspeople; so we are delighted to include award winning Enfield Bakers, Holtwhites; Forty Hall Farm Shop; N13 based Nella Catering (African Caribbean street food) amongst our traders.

As a community market we also want to involve ourselves in the wider Enfield community. We’re pleased to be partnering with North Enfield Foodbank and anyone who would like to donate can do so at any one of our markets.

So come and visit - do your household food shop (fresh fruit and veg, breads and pastries, fine cheeses, garden plants and cut flowers, marvellous meats and sausages); browse the art and craft stalls, stop for a coffee or sample the street food. Everyone gets a friendly welcome.

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