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Dr John Puntis explains the background to this week's strike by hospital doctors - not just the fact that their pay has fallen so drastically over recent years, but the catastrophic neglect of the whole NHS.

Petition: Rebuild the NHS - No more needless suffering

The government must step in to save lives and end needless suffering now.

People are dying on record high waiting lists and going too long without urgent treatment – but it doesn’t have to be like this. The current crisis in the NHS is unnecessary and avoidable. It arises from government policy and not inherent problems in our NHS. 

We demand Health Secretary Steve Barclay takes urgent action to:

  • end the staffing crisis, including paying staff properly
  • train and recruit more staff by scrapping tuition fees and bringing back the NHS student bursary
  • ensure the NHS has the funds it needs (to the level of comparable countries) – this is affordable for the fifth largest economy in the world
  • stop the flow of cash to the private sector and invest in rebuilding the NHS instead

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