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this girl can croppedAge UK Enfield have launched a new service for women over 50 living in Enfield or Haringey who are recovering from cancer treatment.

This Girl Can, which is funded by Sport England, provides a series of exercise sessions, trying out different sessions each week, with the aim of building self confidence and wellbeing.

Often getting back to exercise, or starting out with exercise, can be daunting after completing treatment for cancer. You may be nervous about the impact that exercise will have on your post-treatment body, or unsure how hard to push yourself. Our trained staff can advise and put your mind at rest.

Jo Partridge, This Girl Can Co-ordinator said:

“This is a fantastic opportunity for people who are recovering from cancer treatment to come together to sample a range of different exercises. Hopefully they will find one that really fits with them and they will continue beyond the course.

‘Exercise is such an important part of recovery, helping with both physical and mental health, strength and flexibility. This Girl Can provides this within a friendly and supportive environment.

‘The free exercise book and resistance band we provide is proving popular as it enables women to continue the exercises we cover in their own homes’.

The sessions take place on Thursday afternoons at Southgate Methodist Church, 47 The Bourne N14 6RS. Sessions are suitable for all levels. Please contact us to book your place on 020 8375 4120 or email


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