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Enfield Clinical Commissioning Group is proposing to close the paediatric assessment unit at Chase Farm Hospital and instead introduce a "new model of care".  Members of the public can give their views - the deadline for responses is 15 January 2017.

Paediatric assessment unit consultation

We want to hear your views about our proposed changes to the Paediatric Assessment Unit at Chase Farm Hospital

The Paediatric Assessment Unit (PAU) at Chase Farm Hospital is open from 9am-9pm, every day. The service is led by a Paediatric Consultant supported by nurses and is co-located with the Urgent Care Centre. It sees and treats children between 0-18 years old who have minor illnesses, injuries or a worsening long-term condition like asthma.

The PAU is not a self-referral unit. Ninety-four per cent of children attending the Urgent Care Centre are managed within the Urgent Care Centre, with very few children referred into the PAU.  Access to the PAU is usually through a patient’s GP who requests a referral to the service or via a clinician at another service, such as the Urgent Care Centre. The PAU also provides telephone advice to local GPs. 

Enfield CCG is proposing changes to the way that the care for children is currently delivered at the Chase Farm Hospital site. We are proposing to close the PAU at the Chase Farm site and introduce a different model of care which will deliver better care for children.

We would like to hear your views on our proposal to decommission (close) the current PAU service.

  • Children with urgent care needs would still be seen and managed within the Urgent Care Centre;
  • Some children may require a transfer to Barnet Hospital or North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust for more specific paediatric care and those transfers will continue as they do now;
  • However there will be some children who would benefit from seeing a paediatrician but will not have immediate needs. Those children will therefore be given access to an urgent outpatient appointment within two weeks. 

We would particularly like to hear from those affected by the proposals, but everyone’s views are welcome as this consultation affects the way the CCG spends public money on healthcare.

The consultation commences on Monday 17 October 2016 and closes on Sunday 15 January 2017.

For more details please download the consultation document and the frequently asked questions document.

Have your say

You can give us your views by:

  • completing our  online questionnaire
  • attending one of our public events on:
    • Wednesday 9 November at the Dugdale Centre, Enfield from 6pm-8pm, or
    • Thursday 8 December at Community House, Edmonton from 2pm-4pm

If you would like a copy of the consultation document and the questionnaire in another format please contact  or call 0203 688 2822


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