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Healthwatch Enfield's press release issued in connection with the publication of their report on GP waiting rooms (see this earlier report) sounds a noticeably more critical note than the summary that was issued with the report.  In particular, it is evident that in three important areas - patient privacy, information about how to register, and provision for deaf patients - half or more of GP practices were found wanting.

The full text of the press release follows:

Press release - Health watchdog urges Enfield GP practices to improve patient experience


Healthwatch Enfield has today released a report on patient experience in GP practices in Enfield. The Health and Social Care watchdog visited all General Practice sites across the borough, looking at a range of things that local people had cited as being important, or that are required of GPs.

The results are generally encouraging, as is the response from practices that have indicated that they are working to improve their provision of information for patients since seeing the initial draft findings. However, only 3 practices passed all fifteen areas of interest, so improvements can still be made across the board. There is also concern that only:

  • 23 practices (45%) have a hearing loop available for those with a hearing impairment who use a hearing aid.
  • 23 practices (45%) had some degree of privacy at the reception desk, allowing patients to talk to the reception team without being overheard by other patients. This is a particular issue as many patients have reported that they feel uncomfortable about disclosing personal health information which can be overheard by a waiting room of patients.
  • 26 practice sites (51%) had visible information about how to register at the practice as a new patient, either in the form of a poster or leaflet, or on a TV screen.

As documented in Healthwatch Enfield’s ‘Improving services for Deaf patients in Enfield’ report earlier this year, local Deaf people have previously reported that many GP services in the borough do not have a hearing aid loop; these findings support that claim.

Another report highlighted high levels of non-GP registration in the borough. It is vital that GPs do more to ensure all patients are registered with a GP and can access primary care.

Lorna Reith, Healthwatch Enfield Chief Executive, said “We are encouraged that many of the measures available to practices to improve the experience of patients are common throughout the borough. However, there are still improvements that can be made across the board and we hope that practices respond positively to today’s report and remedy areas where they are lacking, especially with regard to hearing loops, privacy at the reception desk and providing registration information.”



The full report can be accessed online here.

A print version of the report is available upon request.

About Healthwatch Enfield

Healthwatch Enfield is an independent organisation set-up to ensure that local people have a real say in the way that health and social care services are provided in the borough. It is independent, but part of a national network of Healthwatch organisations set up by Parliament with real powers for change.

We work by: providing information and signposting to help people connect with the most useful services and support available to them; by referring complaints and putting people in touch with the appropriate complaints’ process and/or referring them to someone who can support them in making a complaint; and by influencing decisions – listening to what people say and feeding back to those who plan, commission and deliver services. This includes representation on the Health and Wellbeing Board and the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) in Enfield. To find out more please go to

Healthwatch Enfield contact information

Healthwatch Enfield

Room 11 Community House, 311 Fore Street, London N9 0PZ

020 8373 6283

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