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Palmers Green Community Newsletter 13 February 2024

Palmers Green Community Newsletter 13 February 2024
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PGC Weekly Newsletter

13 February 2025

Green belt conservation group publishes its impressions of the first tranche of Enfield Local Plan hearings

As we await a "note" from the Inspector who's been examining the Enfleld Local Plan (said to be imminent), this account of how the process has gone so far by Green Belt defence group Enfield RoadWatch provides an excellent summary of the various issues that have been raised and what the eventual outcomes might be.

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Council committee debates quieter neighbourhood residents' petition to allow them to drive past filter point

A petition signed by people living in the Bowes Primary Area Quieter Neighbourhood demanding an additional access point by car to their streets was debated at Monday's meeting of Enfield Council's scrutiny committee.

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Bowes LTN petitioners seeking a "private enclave of driver privilege"

Commenting on the petition to allow residents of the Bowes LTN to drive through the filter point at the southern end of Warwick Road, local resident (and driver) Mark Hawkins-Dady argues that allowing this would amount to "semi-privatisation of these roads for the exclusive benefit of local car drivers". As well as privileging these drivers over other motorists, it would worsen conditions for the significant proportion of households in the zone who do not own a car.

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Campaigners urge the Met to help reduce deaths by enforcing road safety laws

In the face of a significant spike in pedestrian deaths on London's roads, road danger reduction campaigners have called for the updated version of the Mayor of London's crime and policing plan to pay much more attention to "road crime" - that is to say, people driving in ways that are criminal because they endanger other people's lives and health, and deter them from walking and cycling. Currently, the police seem to regard road crime as referring to theft from and of cars, and the draft plan pays scant attention to cracking down on dangerous driving.

Unfortunately, the deadline for commenting on the draft plan has now passed, but Action Vision Zero's points set out here are well worth pondering.

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Poems for Saddlers Square

At the inauguration ceremony in the new Saddlers Square for phase 1 of Enfield Town Liveable Neighbourhood, Christine Vial and Mary Duggan from the Enfield Poets gave short readings to celebrate the event. They've each sent one poem for publication on PGC.

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Donate your old or unused bike to help refugees and asylum seekers get around

The Bike Project is a charity that supports refugees and asylum seekers by providing them with a refurbished bike. They're setting up a collection point at a church not far from Turnpike Lane station that will be open to accept donations between 27th February and 1st March. All sizes and types of bikes will be accepted! Children’s bikes are especially appreciated.

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Also this week...

Examination in public of Enfield Local Plan - comment by Neil Littman

Reported elsewhere...

Expert warns London must 'strengthen' efforts to hit zero-HIV target

Council tax increases confirmed as seven London boroughs apply for emergency funding to stave off bankruptcy

As the housing crisis persists, 56% of Londoners support building on grey belt

London boroughs say they face a £500m funding gap in the coming year, despite receiving a 6.6% increase to their Core Spending Power

UK Poverty 2025: The essential guide to understanding poverty in the UK

Living Streets Cymru applauds safer roads thanks to 20mph speed limits

10 charts to help us understand poverty in London in 2025

Enfield poverty and inequality indicators

Right to Buy: London Councils push for reforms to combat 'desperate need for affordable housing'

Latest from Enfield Dispatch

Council to charge utilities for peak-time roadworks in bid to tackle traffic

Khan slammed over home-working hypocrisy’

Hundreds of LTN residents demand council open up junction

Councillors vote to approve controversial Spurs women’s academy at Whitewebbs Park

New trains help boost Great Northern and Thameslink rail services

Khan hails impact of increased fines for fare dodging

Developer reveals plan for new tower block in Enfield Town

Missing teen thought to have been sighted in Enfield

Khan’s ‘swimmable rivers’ plan will help tackle deprivation, says deputy mayor

Homelessness fuelling violence in young people, warns City Hall chief

‘I’m passionate about a fairer, cleaner, greener, safer Enfield’

All systems dough

Royal Free London’s £70m of child medical negligence payouts over five years is capital’s highest

Tottenham Hotspur plans for Whitewebbs recommended for approval

Enfield drivers among most fined under Ulez rules

TfL urged to ban Shein from advertising on network over human rights abuses

Khan concerned over London ‘hollowing out’ caused by home working

Enfield hypnotherapist named among UK’s top entrepreneurs

High-rise Enfield flat damaged by fire but no injuries reported

Move to provide more social rent homes on Southgate estate redevelopment

Council hopes to ‘accelerate’ major Edmonton estate regeneration

Secondary schools performance hailed by Enfield Council

Consultations and surveys

Dates shown are deadlines for responding

LB Enfield Housing and Growth Strategy Consultation Survey (select 14/2/2025)

Healthwatch Enfield is running a survey to understand why people miss cervical and breast cancer screenings and how to make them more accessible (Healthwatch Enfield 28/2/2025)


Talkies Community Cinema

Saturday 22 February

Chuck Chuck Baby

Waterhouse Hall

Thursday 6 March


Dugdale Arts Centre


Event flyers

For more details of the events and notices below, click/tap on the flyers


Big Fun Craft is back! Knit, sew or crochet every day this February to raise money for North London Hospice

What's on at the Southgate Club N14 - Bringing entertainments and enjoyment to you and the community for 200 years

Active Enfield website

poster or flyer advertising event February events at Karamel Wood Green

poster or flyer advertising event Incognito Theatre presents The Revlon Girl

poster or flyer advertising event Southgate Opera present The Sorcerer by Gilbert & Sullivan

poster or flyer advertising event Bowes Park Folk Club: Yiddiomatikh

poster or flyer advertising event St Harmonica\'s Blues Club: JFK Blue + Manny Fizzotti

poster or flyer advertising event The Great Enfield Vintage & Collectibles Fair

poster or flyer advertising event Nightingale Cancer Centre: Prostate cancer seminar with Errol McKellar

poster or flyer advertising event Bounds Green Cinema Club: The Prestige

poster or flyer advertising event Half term activities at Palmers Green Library

poster or flyer advertising event Hattie\'s Sewing Workshop

poster or flyer advertising event Black Film Club at the Dugdale: The Wild Robot

poster or flyer advertising event Mark the Anniversary: March for Ukraine in London

poster or flyer advertising event Join Friends of Tottenhall Rec for a hedge planting session

poster or flyer advertising event Bowes Park Month of Folk: Exploring songwriting with Phil Cooper

poster or flyer advertising event All Saints Heritage Open Day - Coffee, Cake and Conversations!

poster or flyer advertising event Come Dancing! Free barn dance in Winchmore Hill

poster or flyer advertising event Enfield Chamber Orchestra: Spring concert

poster or flyer advertising event Flower Power flower arranging class

poster or flyer advertising event Chickenshed: The Washing Line

poster or flyer advertising event Bowes Park Folk Club: Robb Johnson

poster or flyer advertising event Enfield Choral Society: Sounds of the 60s and 70s

poster or flyer advertising event Lambing Weekend at Forty Hall Farm

poster or flyer advertising event Winchmore Strings: Concert in aid of Achalasia Action

Recycling information

recycling a to z

a quick rinse saves the rest of your recycling being contaminated

find your wheelie bin collection dates

recycle with care

recycling electrical items

crushed hidden batteries cause fires


Notices and appeals

Volunteer with Cooking Champions text plus photographs of people carrying out various volunteer roles

Donate groceries to Bounds Green food bank

Sign the petition to nationalise Thames Water - no bailouts

Felix Project Empty Plate Emergency Appeal. 1 in 4 working Londoners struggle to afford to feed their family. Your £10 can put 29 meals on their plates.



Fires involing lithium batteries are the fastest growing fire risk in London.

cycle training for adults

effect of 20mph limits on tfl roads

distract with a question tfl advice on defusing incidents of sexual harassment

sign up to become an age uk telephone friend

logo londons lifelines celebrating londons diverse volunteering community

cooking champions appeal for monthly donations

'Those who can cause the greatest harm, have the greatest responsibility to reduce the risk they may pose to others.' A bright and simple illustration showing road users who are most at risk at the top of the image: pedestrians, person in a wheelchair, cyclist, horse and rider and motorcyclist. Those who have the most responsibility are at the bottom: a car and an HGV.

Want a flexible rewarding role that benefits you and someone else - become a shared lives carer

Just 10% of London residents are responsible for half of its car trips, but everyone pays the consequences: pollution, emissions and dangerous roads. Join our campaign for car free cities

road crime is not treated as real crime

ageing well guide

lets make transport better

age uk energy bills

solace in enfield

good guys guide

here if you need us

20s plenty graphic

less first past the post

take the training zero suicide

enfield connections services

proper democracy means everyone has a voice 450px

noahs ark supports seriously unwell children

vehicle exhaust is toxic

if you see or hear domestic abuse

make yourself heard

streetlink graphic

north london samaritans volunteering

What's on this week and next

Events marked * normally repeat weekly

Exhibitions and longer runs

30 January until 27 February

February events at Karamel Wood Green

13 March until 5 April

Chickenshed: The Washing Line

Tuesday 25 February

10.00am - 12.00pm

Weekly Knit & Natter*

10.00am - 12.00pm

Winchmore Folk Dance Club*

11.00am - 3.00pm

Palmers Greenery Community Café open*

Wednesday 26 February

9.30am - 3.00pm

Palmers Greenery Community Café open*

10.00am - 11.00am

Story Time at Winchmore Hill Library*

10.45am - 11.45am

Active Enfield free weekly walk in Broomfield Park*

2.00pm - 4.00pm

Broomfield Conservatory open*

6.00pm - 7.00pm, 7.00pm - 8.00pm

Soft Yoga*

7.00pm - 9.00pm

Weekly stitch and knit social*

Future Highlights

Friday 28 February

All Saints Heritage Open Day - Coffee, Cake and Conversations!

Bowes Park Month of Folk: Exploring songwriting with Phil Cooper

Saturday 1 March

Introduction to Photography – Exploring Techniques and Composition with David Kearley

Sunday 2 March

Join Friends of Tottenhall Rec for a hedge planting session

Bowes Park Month of Folk: Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer

Come Dancing! Free barn dance in Winchmore Hill

Tuesday 4 March

Meeting of the Enfield Transport Circle

Thursday 6 March

Talkies Community Cinema: Monster

Saturday 8 March

Flower Power flower arranging class

Southgate District Civic Voice open meeting: Talk on Meridian Water regeneration

Enfield Chamber Orchestra: Spring concert

Tuesday 11 March

Grief Café at Enfield Town Library

Wednesday 12 March

Singers Night at the Little Green Dragon

DJ Juke Box at Balboa Nights

Thursday 13 March until Saturday 5 April

Chickenshed: The Washing Line

Thursday 13 March

Bowes Park Folk Club: Robb Johnson

Saturday 15 March

Enfield Choral Society: Sounds of the 60s and 70s

Monday 17 March

Enfield Society Talk: Newbury Football Club

Friday 21 March

Monthly art lecture at Southgate Beaumont Care Community

Saturday 22 March

Lambing Weekend at Forty Hall Farm

North London Symphony Orchestra concert: Mahler, Rachmaninoff

Saturday 29 March

Southgate Symphony Orchestra: Spring concert

Talkies Community Cinema: Ten years of Talkies' short film commissions - a retrospective

Latest GlobalNet21 and Enfield Voices webinars

30 November 2024

MP Watch & Engaging With MPs

30 November 2024

Ted Burke Of FOE Tells EnCaf About Their Climate Plan

30 October 2024

Climate Change & Food Poverty

30 October 2024

Extreme Heat & Our Future Welfare

27 September 2024

Enfield’s Climate Action Plan - A Discussion

6 August 2024

Climate Change & Food Security

2 July 2024

Election Hustings Southgate & Wood Green Constituency

2 July 2024

Election Hustings Enfield North Constituency

1 July 2024

Election Hustings - Edmonton And Winchmore Hill Constituency

1 July 2024

Election Hustings - Enfield North Constituency

30 June 2024

Election Hustings - Edmonton And Winchmore Hill Constituency

28 June 2024

Election Hustings - Southgate & Wood Green Constituency

23 June 2024

Multistreaming with

22 May 2024

Fairtrade And Climate Change

21 May 2024

EnCaf Representations On Enfield's Local Plan

14 May 2024

How Climate Change Will Alter Our Food

10 May 2024

Collaborative Projects To Green Up Neighbourhoods

24 April 2024

The Coming Heat Storm

24 April 2024

Extreme Heat & Tree Canopies

24 April 2024

Tackling Floods Through Sponge Cities

fobp logo wide

sdcv logo for home page

enfield society logo wide

ask the police logo

barnet furniture centre ad

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