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Some special events coming up at the Ruth Winston Centre:
Annual Meeting at RWC - anyone can join us for the annual meeting in the Davies Room on Thursday 22nd October 2015 at 2.30pm, light refreshments after. First come first serve for a seat.

ruthwinstonWomen First Guided Walk:  Saturday 24th October 2015 Meet St Pauls underground by cafe Nero 11am.  This surprising walk relates some interesting stories about pioneering women in The City.  Led by Joe Studman -  07875 537 295.
Dementia Awareness Session - Tuesday 22nd October.  ONE HOUR AND FREE here at the Ruth Winston Centre for anyone who wants to join in.  Learn about the effects of dementia and see it from the other side, understand it and the different types.  A very good session with Janice Nunn, Dementia Champion in the Alexandra Room at 2.00pm.  All are welcome.
Care Act talk by LBE - the care act has changed, the most significant changes over the last 60 years.  If you are a carer, receiving attendance allowance, disability allowance, personal payments then you really need to come along and listen to Michael Sprosson, Health Housing and Adult Social Care Team at LBE to find out how it affects you.  There will be a Q&A session after his talk which starts at 11am in the Davies Room on Friday 30th October 2015, all are welcome.
Walk the Alleyways of London - Ghostly Tales - Free walk led by Graham Thomas, RWC Member and London Tour Guide  on Sunday 1st November, meeting at Enfield Town Station at 2pm.  This walk will last for two hours.  Please call us to let us know you are attending so that Graham knows to expect you.
Keep Fit starts again - we have been able to restart the Keep Fit classes with Sonia Tonge.  Classes start back on Friday 6th November and are just £5.00 per person from 9.30am - 10.30am.  This class is just like Jacqui's, no leaping about, no floor work all standing, good music, good keep fit moves and lots of laughs.  Come along and give it a try.
Lunch with Dr Diatz - yes the ever so popular Doctor will be here again on Thursday 19th November to answer your questions after lunch.  If you would like an anonymous question asked please pick up a form in the office and we will get this to him before he comes in.  If you wish to join us for lunch please call 0208 886 5346 and book, vegetarian option always available, £4.50 per person.  Please note if you do not show and have booked for lunch you still have to pay as we will have catered for you.
Yvonne, Jean, Maria and Louise
Ruth Winston Centre Staff - Call us on 0208 886 5346 or email on  

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