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enfield community transport

Enfield Community Transport:  Supporting the older generation

Funding level: £5,001 to £10,000

ECT has been successfully providing a Community Transport Service to the residents of Enfield for thirty years. We recently reviewed our service to see what new services could be provided which would meet the needs of our community.

Following our review ECT is looking to provide, working with Enfield Age UK and the local Over 50s Forum , a regular scheduled weekly shopping service for isolated elderly residents who have difficulty with mobility and transport. Working with these partners we would use their data bases and knowledge to establish groups of elderly residents who would wish to use Community Shopping for the Isolated Elderly. The service will also provide support to the wheelchair bound and the disabled within the local community.

Based on detailed information on users we will establish groups of isolated residents related to large estates, area location and individual isolated residents. Working with a large Enfield based supermarket , which will have a range of facilities including a pharmacy and a coffee shop, we will establish groups of between 10 to 16 users who would be provided with a scheduled weekly trip with a maximum journey of 3/4 of an hour to an hour each way and a minimum supermarket and shopping visit of two hours. At all times they will be assisted by the volunteer driver who will carry the shopping as required including taking the shopping into the home on the return journey.

Whilst there has been a growth in home delivery services it has been shown that elderly residents still wish to have regular shopping trips to multiple provision supermarkets with a range of services and access to other retail outlets. Enfield has this available at a retail facility known as Brookfield Farm.

We do not claim this is a novel concept as the service is provided in some areas such as Milton Keynes but this service would be new to Enfield and specifically focused.

The service will be action orientated in that it will create a real change for the community of users and will reduce the loneliness and isolation felt by many.
The service can be delivered with the support of the Aviva Community Fund which will enable the service to set up , create the structure to co ordinate the partners and subsidise the service as necessary to ensure a highly cost effective service to users .As ECT already own the vehicles and have voluntary drivers they are in the position with a level of support to deliver the service by mid 2017.

We believe this service provided on a non profit making basis by a charity based organisation with your support will provide a facility to specific individuals within the Community which will reduce their isolation and loneliness It will do this whilst providing a practical provision which has been successful elsewhere and is based on a very simple concept.

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